The YWCA Northeastern Massachusetts – A Voice for Women & Girls


Job Openings

Working at the YWCA is both rewarding and challenging.  We always seek highly-motivated, dedicated and experienced team members to move the organization and its mission forward.

The YWCA’s programs focus on domestic violence and sexual assault [DV/SA] services, women’s health advocacy, year-round childcare, other youth services and housing.  The YWCA Women’s Emergency Shelter is a haven for victims of domestic violence and their children. Full-time court advocates work in the Lawrence and Haverhill District Courts. The YWCA offers individual and group counseling for DV survivors in Lawrence and Haverhill. Our site in Lynn serves all of the North Shore for sexual assault services. At YWCA Fina House, in Lawrence, we operate a transitional housing program for survivors of domestic violence and a residential Teen Parenting Program. Since 1995, the YWCA has offered housing for low-income residents in Lawrence, and in the fall of 2018, the newly renovated Haverhill Residence opened.

The YWCA has grown from a small, grass-roots organization focused on aiding women new to either the country or to Lawrence, into a vibrant, active community resource with an annual budget exceeding $6 million.  We currently have a staff of over 100 employees working in full-time and part-time year-round positions, plus seasonal jobs in our out-of-school programs and at our summer day camp.  The YWCA has seven different site locations with four sites in Lawrence and one site each in Haverhill, Lynn and Salem, NH.

Please note that the job opportunities listed below are for any and/or all of our site locations – with the job location shown at the end of the job title.

YWCA Northeastern Massachusetts is an equal opportunity employer, dedicated to a policy of non-discrimination in employment on any basis including race, creed, color, age, sex, relation or national origin.  It is our intention that all qualified applications be given equal opportunity and that selection decisions are based on job-related factors.

In order to apply, please visit our profile and select the jobs tab.

  • Educator, Afterschool Program Lawrence, Part Time (Full Time during school vacation months)
  • Educator – Afterschool Program, Haverhill, Part Time (Full Time during school vacation months)
  • Educator – Afterschool Program, Lynn, Part Time (Full Time during school vacation months)
  • Assistant Educator, Afterschool Program, Lawrence, Part Time (Full Time during school vacation months)
  • Assistant Educator – Afterschool Program, Haverhill, Part Time (Full Time during school vacation)
  • Assistant Educator – Afterschool Program, Lynn, Part Time (Full Time during school vacation months)
  • SafePlan Advocate, Lawrence, Full Time
  • Bilingual Sexual Assault Counselor, Lynn, Full Time
  • Bilingual Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Counselor, Lawrence, Full Time
  • Educator – Afterschool Program, Haverhill, Part Time

For more information, contact Chief Operating Officer, Maricelis Ortiz.